Hey, peeps! Just putting up a reminder that the second Zad Zak and Angree Dandee strip will be up this Saturday in the
ZZ & AD Blog!! So expect more crazed emotions from these two!
As you can see I've also made changes to my blog with a new banner, new links to the right, more organized links, and purty colors all around.
You like? I like!
Hope you enjoy it! :D
EDIT: Also, I'm still selling a painting over at my store! I was able to sell another one a few weeks back! So get the one I'm selling now! Click image below to see!

EDIT 2: Someone has requested to buy my painting! It hasn't been bought yet, but I will be saving it for that person until they do! It's now been deactivated over at the store.
So for now no more paintings at the store! :(
But don't worry!! I'll definitely make more in the future for you to enjoy and buy!!