Hey, folks! Here's some animation I've done as school projects. I've got a lot of practice to do and am experiencing more on this art and so far it's been the best experience I've had.
Before I knew anything about animation, I would just look at old cartoons and freeze frame some Ren and Stimpys especially in Stimpy's Invention, which has some beautiful animation from Bob Jaques and Kelly Armstrong. God, they do some pretty powerful animation and such incredible movement on two awesome characters.
After all that John spoke to me and told me to freeze frame old cartoons. I did so and found some of the most amazing stuff out of old cartoons. Stuff I've never seen before in my life. I'd get so overwhelmed and so happy to see so many good things come out of old cartoons when freeze framed especially some Scribner stuff or some Tyer animation. I would never think good stuff like that came from such a far away time in cartoons. I love how some frames, like when a character's about to antic or move rapidly(smudge technique is what I think is called), come out real cool and abstract like a painting or something. That stuff would make me go even more crazier and happier to just see that kinda stuff in a cartoon.
But I don't wanna keep you guys too long, so here's some crazy crap animation I've got fer ya!
*Can anyone tell me if these videos are being shown well? Youtube's being a tough S.O.B. with me and isn't letting me see three out of the five videos.